Written Overview

Introducing iHeRQles and iRevive
with Testimonies

Have you ever wondered
why some people live to 100 and others don't and what they did to do that.
A science team from Europe – has tapped into a secret after 50 years of study
Stem Cell therapy with no side effects using plant technology
here are some amazing resultS – witnessed by our
of 3 years of continuous constant use of this amazing technology

The science team who created our products, half of whom are quantum physicists,
have found the answers – many have searched for.
They began with a mission to find the causes of aging and solutions to aging – and all age related issues.
They knew the answers would not be found in chemical based products.
They knew the answers would be found in plant technology.
Through over 50 years in research and development They have found the answers.
Over 300 thousand patients have successfully
used these products in Europe – through medical doctors with no allergy's or adverse reactions – or contra indications.
This is scientifically documented
by the company who won the Nobel Prize for developing the first accurate test – for testing
your true biological age.
The most biological age reversal they ever found
was a 3 to 5 year biological age reversal in any product they tested.
they tested 15 hundred people using our product iHeRQles for 4 months – after the 4 month test
all 15 hundred test applicants showed true biological age reversal of 10 years up to 30 years – true biological age reversal.
Advanced Stem Cell Therapy
the likes of which – the body has never seen before.
Our bodies produce stem cells daily
to replace the old worn out stem cells as they die off.
Our products iHeRQles and iRevive Are advanced – natural stem cell therapy
That can accomplish
what no other product can accomplish.
iHeRQles is stem cell therapy for the inside of the body iRevive is a skin stem cell therapy
for the outside of the body
Do not confuse natural stem cell production that our bodies do naturally
with embryonic stem cell therapy it is not the same thing.
When we are younger our bodies produce new stem cells at a rate that keeps up and replaces the old dying stem cells.
But after the age of about 30 years old stem cell production begins to decrease
the results are – we begin to age more rapidly and the older we get – the more deficit
and the more we begin to age more rapidly.
iHeRQles promotes building natural healthier longer lasting stem cells with long telomeres instead of duplicates
of our old stem cells with short telomeres
Each organ of the body produces its own stem cells specific to that organ
with one exception – the skin
the skin is the largest organ of the body.
The skin produces skin stem cells
but the skin also produces fibroblast cells
which are cells that can migrate to other areas – and other organ
s where ever they are needed – iRevive is the same
plant based technology.
Originally formulated by the science team
to be used for the treatment of severe burn victims.
And it increases stem cell growth by 2 to 3 hundred percent within only 1 week.
iHeRQles is the only product anywhere that can begin to open
your circulation and micro circulation
and lymphatic system
through a complete blood cycle of 4 months.
Penetrate all the cells of your organs and rejuvenate your organs in 3 years
and rejuvenate your bone structure in 7 to 10 years.
The science team calls it corpus novus which is Latin for – NEW BODY
There are no other products that can do this iHeRQles and iRevive are the perfect combination.
Our products have been available in the United States for over 25 years through doctors.
The science team has decided to make these products available to the public through this company.
Get back with the person
who shared this information with you to learn how you can get started
on your journey towards corpus novus
– a new Body –
from the inside out – and the outside in our unique exclusive technology
is one of a kind
in a chance to live a longer life with a reverse aging element
that uses no dangerous chemicals, synthetics, or additives – safe for all and completely bio-compatible.
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What we are going to show you will change many people's lives.
The products already have changed people's lives as witnessed in the testimonies
in the first video.
NuXtrax launched in 2019
with a product developed by the science team called Liquid Gold.
Then in December of 2020
the science team decided to make iHeRQles available to the public
through NuXtrax.
We are the only place you can get these products.
Recently the science team decided to make iRevive available to us.
Until we launched in 2019
the only way to get these products was through doctors.
Doctors sold Liquid Gold for $250.00 to $300.00 per bottle they sold iHeRQles for $400.00 per bottle
and they sold iRevive for $300.00 per jar.
Our price is $79.00 per bottle of iHeRQles and $79.00 per jar of iRevive
and $65.00 for Liquid Gold.
You don't just go from selling to doctors to selling to the public.
It is a process that you have to gear up for.
That is why the science team decided to make each product available to us
in stages.
That is why the science team lowered the prices, with increased production
the price to produce each bottle or jar comes down.
We are still in the infancy stages of a company, our rate of growth has been healthy.
But now – all of the pieces are in place and we are going to experience rapid growth
every year.
Which is why this company
is going to change many people's lives.
We are a self subscription business with products that are
the scientific breakthrough of the century.
There are 2 ways to purchase products from the company # 1 – as a customer or # 2 – as a Transformation Affiliate.
Transformation Affiliates are eligible to earn compensation.
Customers are not eligible to earn compensation
but we do have a very impressive customer referral program
for customers to earn impressive discounts on product purchases.
Customers can purchase products at the wholesale price of $79.00 by en-rolling with a monthly subscription,
or they can purchase products at the retail price as needed.
For customers who are en-rolled with a monthly subscription they can refer 2 customer monthly subscribers
and as long as the 2 customers they refer stay active on their subscription
your subscription would be $39.50 per month instead of $79.00 and every customer monthly subscriber can do the same thing.
To become a Transformation Affiliate you purchase a product package.
You can purchase a 1X product package for $299.00 which comes with 2 bottles of iHeRQles and 2 jars of iRevive
and comes with 1 position to earn compensation.
A wholesale product value of $316.00
Or you can purchase a 2X product package for $598.00 which comes with 5 bottles of iHeRQles and 4 jars of iRevive A wholesale value of $711.00
and it comes with 3 positions to earn compensation.
We have a system in place that explains everything for you.
You do not have to remember all of this information. You do not have to explain any of this information.
You simply say in person or on the phone with someone ( I watched a 12 minute video that you should see )
( do you mind if I text the video to you )
That is exactly how you should build your business.
The system shows you how to earn $568.00 your first day or 2 or your first week or 2.
The system shows you how to earn up to $2,600.00 or more in your first few days – or your first week or 2
or at your own pace.
The system shows you how to earn an extra 2 thousand dollars a month
a whole lot easier than you would expect.
The system shows you how to earn an extra 4 or 5 thousand a month
a whole lot easier than you would expect.
The system shows you how to earn an extra 12 thousand dollars a month
a whole lot easier than you would expect.
We have had people earn over 100 thousand dollars a month, and we will see people earn much more.
At this point you have watched a 12 minute video and you have watched a 5 or 6 minute video.
You have invested less than 20 minutes in something that can completely change your life.
The next step is a printed detailed explanation
of the compensation plan – that is easy to understand and is extremely lucrative.
It may take you 20 to 30 minutes to read and understand it, that would still be less than an hour invested
in something that could be the most valuable information you have ever seen.
These days
you have to give people a reason
to invest time to understand something, we just gave you a reason.
One last thing,
I have seen many times
people try to go out and explain something, and they explain their way right out
of anyone understanding anything, and the result is – nothing happens.
Use the system to build your business, and study the compensation plan.
We are here anytime you need help with anything.